Why You Should Consider A New Furnace Installation With An Integrated Humidifier

With the winter season and home heating demand creating a dry, uncomfortable environment in many homes, you may be wondering how you can combat that dry air. One of the best ways for you to combat excessive dry air this winter is to install a new furnace with an integrated humidifier. If you're not familiar with these units, you may not know what to expect from them. Here's a look at what you need to know about installing a new furnace with a humidifier system.

Installation Is A Bit More Extensive

When it comes to furnace installation, replacing your old furnace with a similar model is a pretty straightforward process. However, if you opt to install a furnace with an integrated humidifier system, you need to be prepared for a bit more complex process. Your installation technician won't just be connecting the furnace, but will also have to connect the humidifier system to your home's air ducts as well.

This may mean that you'll need more floor space in the installation area, and you may have to have your furnace technician run some additional lines for humidity distribution as well as drainage. 

Combats Sinus And Allergy Symptoms

One of the biggest challenges of dry winter air is the fact that it dries out your sinus cavity. When your sinus cavity is dry, your body responds by trying to compensate, producing more mucus for lubrication. This can lead to stuffy, sniffly noses. Additionally, when your sinuses are dry, the dryness can also cause pain and irritation. Installing a furnace with an integrated humidifier will help retain some humidity in the air, reducing the chances of this type of problem.

Also, though most people think of allergy problems as limited to spring and summer months, allergies can be problematic in dry, winter-heat air. When your home is closed up through the winter, there's no fresh air circulation to keep dust and dander particles at bay. Additionally, with the air being dry, those particles will float and move around freely. When there's more humidity in the air, it can help to keep the dust particles down, reducing your allergy symptoms.

The more you understand about the benefits of a humidifier with your forced-air furnace, the easier it is to see why you should opt for one. Talk with your furnace installation technician today about your heating system options that include integrated humidifiers so that you can help combat dry air in your home this winter.

For more information, contact a furnace installation service today.
