3 Noises You May Experience With Your Plumbing System

As long as everything in your home is working properly, you normally don't give it a second thought. It is only when things start to go wrong that it becomes a priority on your to-do list. Consider your plumbing system, for example. As long as your water is coming in and out and waste is being removed properly, your home's plumbing system is at the back of your mind. However, plumbing pipes aren't perfect and can break, at which time they can get noisy. So if you have been experiencing louder-than-normal plumbing lately, it could mean something is up. Here is what some of those noises may mean and what you can do about them:

1. Hissing Sounds

If you have heard a hissing noise coming from your fixtures, such a faucet, then it normally means that you are dealing with too high of water pressure. Unfortunately, this can cause two different problems for you: (1) it can cause your water bill to skyrocket, and (2) it can result in unnecessary stress on your plumbing pipes. The best way to fix the water pressure is to install a pressure regulator. This will help to maintain proper PSI.

2. Whistling Sounds

When you hear whistling noises coming from your fixtures, this is often a sign of the opposite of the hissing sounds: the pressure is now too low. If you have already had a pressure regulator installed, then you will want to try turning it down before anything else.

If this doesn't seem to work, then it may be a sign that there is debris or air in your plumbing pipes. In order to remedy this problem, you will need to first turn your primary shutoff valve off. Then, turn the faucet on to get all of the water out of the pipes. Once all of the water is out, you can open your valve again and see if the whistling noise is gone. If it isn't, you will need to contact a professional plumber.

3. Gurgling Sounds

Are you noticing weird, gurgling noises coming up from your drain? If so, it could be a result of a vent pipe being blocked. If this is the case, then water is being prevented from properly draining. This could lead to foul odors and toxic gases backing up into the house, which can be dangerous. The vent is normally located on your roof and requires a visual inspection for obstructions, as this is usually the culprit.

If you are ever in doubt, don't hesitate to request the services of a qualified plumber to inspect your plumbing system and diagnose the strange noises that you have been hearing. Call a local service, or visit websites like http://www.cblucashvac.com to get in contact with professionals. 
