Slow moving or clogged drains can be much more than a nuisance – they may indicate a major issue with your drains or main sewer pipe. If you ignore the warning signs of a problem, you may end up with an overflowing drain, burst drain pipe, or even raw sewage in your home. The following signs will help determine if an impending drain issue is in the works so you can get it fixed before disaster strikes.
#1: Slow moving drains
A slow drain in one sink may not be too big of a deal. In this case, the clog is probably in just this single drain, so you can simply clean out the trap or use a drain snake to clear the obstruction. Slow moving drains are a major issue if they are affecting more than one drain, though.
If all the drains are slow, then the clog is likely forming in the main sewer pipe. If drains are slow in only one section of the house or one floor of the home, then chances are you have a clog in a secondary drain that is leading into the main sewer drain. Fortunately, a plumber can pinpoint the exact location of the clog and clear it out before you have a backup.
#2: Bubbling toilets
The toilet should have a straight line of access to the main sewer drain to ensure that it never backs up into nearby sinks or tubs. This means it may show some of the first signs of distress in the event of a sewer drain clog in the making.
If your toilet flushes sluggishly or bubbles when it is flushed, there is likely a clog somewhere in the drain line. If it bubbles when it hasn't been recently flushed, then you may have sewer gas coming out of the drain line. This is especially true if you smell rotten eggs each time the toilet bubbles.
#3: Backflow issues
Backflow happens when you try to drain a lot of water at once. Since the drains are becoming clogged, the water can't make it through so it backflows up the next nearest pipe. You often see this occur in kitchen sinks when the dishwasher drains or in utility room floor drains as the washing machine empties.
Backflow signifies a clog in the making, usually in the main sewer drain but sometimes in a secondary drain. Contact a plumber in your area so they can find the developing clog and clean out the drain before a minor backflow issue becomes a major problem.
For more information, contact A Absolute Plumbing & Heating or a similar company.